Mayfield Enterprises began as a family business in 1983 on the KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, where a product was developed to provide an ergonomic and cost-effective knapsack fertilizer applicator for sugarcane crops. The applicator was quickly recognized as a device especially suited for the accurate and efficient application of fertilizer in sugar crops. The product proved so effective that it was patented in 1983 and successfully applied throughout the sugar belt of the KwaZulu Natal Coast.
The Mayfield applicator was adopted internationally and used for fertilizer application to a wide variety of crops planted in rows e.g. maize, potatoes, tomatoes, beans etc.
The unique differentiator of the Mayfield Applicator is that it is well adapted for non-mechanized difficult terrain and in low-cost farming. The Mayfield Fertilizer Applicator functions from a knapsack which fits comfortably on the operators back. The knapsack holds the fertilizer which is applied by a control device that regulates the flow of fertilizer at the required rate of application.
Low operating costs, maximizing the productivity of labour.
Improved returns through better crop production and yields.
Alleviates compaction.
“Where you can walk you can use a Mayfield”
Maximum return on the investment.
Can be used in steep areas not accessible by mechanical equipment
> Create sustained employment
> Improve food production potential
> Improved viability of small farmer projects
> Affordable fertilizer application technology
>Limits health hazard potential